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Looser skin, less firmness or thickness of skin, wrinkles.

 This is a combination of muscle loss, sometimes fat loss and sun damage to collagen and elastin. Catalyst is our best elastin generator but incorporating our Aging protocol will be tremendously beneficial.

Consider consulting with your physician or licensed skincare professional before embarking on a new treatment or skincare program. If you have any specific questions about these matters, consult a doctor or licensed skincare professional for a diagnosis and customized treatment plan.

Case Studies

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Before Photo: Day 0

After Photo :Day 120

Improvements In: Significant improvement of inflammation as well as an evening of skin tone and reduction in redness.

Homecare Regimen: Use of Skin Defense and Digestive Relief Elixir, Calm Gentle Retinal Serum, and at night. After 2 weeks, Immune Activator and Rescue were added to the regimen.

Professional Treatments: No professional treatments received.
